Cannabis Derived Products in Sport and the Workplace
This home study addresses the current landscape of marijuana legalization and the impacts on public health and the integrity of sport. There is a clear gap between current scientific evidence and public perceptions around cannabis use, including the rapid growth and popularity of the CBD (cannabidiol) marketplace. Sport practitioners seeking a greater understanding of the health, social, and legal impacts of marijuana and cannabinoids will benefit from this education session.
At the end of this presentation, attendees will be better able to:
- Summarize the current research and use of cannabis-derived products and their relevance to sport.
- Identify the physiological and psychological effects of cannabis use.
- Discuss THC as a banned substance and whether or not it is more performance-enhancing or dangerous.
- Rate the current status of THC/marijuana and CBD as “medicine”.
Target Audience: ATs, RDs, CSCS, and other sports medicine or athlete support staff
Russell Kamer, MD, Affiliate Physician, Columbia University; College of Physicians and Surgeons
Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Association of Medical Review Officers, Dr. Kamer is a co-founder of Partners In Safety. His extensive background in drug testing includes serving for five years as a crew chief in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Drug Testing program and a Drug Testing Medical officer at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. A member of the American College of Occupational and Environmental medicine and a fellow of the American College of Physicians, Dr. Kamer is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at New York Medical College whose works have been published in numerous journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine.
Drug Free Sport International (BOC AP# P8729) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of 1.5 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the session.
Drug Free Sport (Accredited Provider 99D4E11) is approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration to provide continuing education to Registered Dietitians. This program is eligible for a maximum of 1 CPEU.
Certificate Information
- Activity Number: 150978
- Performance Indicators: 4.2.1, 4.2.6, 12.1.4
- CPE Level: 2