The Two Sided Coin: Body Image in Sport & Society
It has been said that the athlete has two body images: one in sport and one in society. This double sided coin puts them at an increased risk for body image distortions and disordered eating. As treatment providers it is imperative that we help guide the athlete to distinguish between these two images and how to protect themselves from this distorted thinking.
At the end of this presentation, attendees will be better able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of what is body dysmorphia.
- Distinguish body image concerns related to sport versus societal pressure.
- Learn how to support and provide proper resources when needed.
Target Audience: ATs, RDs, CSCS, and other sports medicine or athlete support staff
Becca McConville, MS, RD, LD, CSSD, CEDRD
Becca McConville is a board certified sports specialist and eating disorder dietitian. In addition to Becca’s private practice, she has served as a consultant to the University of Missouri Kansas City Athletics, Kansas City Ballet, local colleges and previously worked with the Kansas City Chiefs. Becca is also the author of Finding your Sweet Spot- How to Avoid RED-S (Relative Energy Deficit in Sport) by Optimizing Your Energy Balance. She is a co-host of a podcast called PHIT for a Queen devoted to female athletes.
Drug Free Sport International (BOC AP# P8729) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of 1.5 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the session.
Drug Free Sport (Accredited Provider 99D4E11) is approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration to provide continuing education to Registered Dietitians. This program is eligible for a maximum of 1 CPEU.
Certificate Information
- Activity Number: 154769
- Performance Indicators: 12.1.1, 12.2.6, 4.1.2, 8.2.1
- CPE Level: 2