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SARM Use in Athletes: Misjudging the Risk to Reward Ratio

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Athletic selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) use amongst athletic demographics is increasing despite their prohibition by several of the most prominent sport organizations. While promising amongst clinical populations, their use in athletes is both premature and nearsighted; there is appallingly little research for most of the popular compounds on the market. Therefore, the objective of this webinar is to provide athletic staff with a greater understanding of many well-known SARM compounds, as well as several ancillary performance enhancing substances commonly mislabeled as SARMs. This discussion will also specifically highlight the various established risks and postulate on mechanisms that might lead to even further physiological damage with long-term use.

At the end of this presentation, attendees will be better able to:

  1. Recognize and identify many of the most common SARM and associated substance.
  2. Explain the potential side effects of SARM-associated compounds and hypothesize on how their long-term use could create uniquely dangerous physiological scenarios
  3. Use the available evidence to critique SARM-associated compounds and weigh out why they are not a “safer” alternative to anabolic androgenic steroids, growth hormone, and other similar illegal performance enhancing substances.

Target Audience: ATs, RDs, CSCS, and other sports medicine or athlete support staff



Steven Machek, PhD, CSCS*D

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at California State University, Monterey Bay

Dr. Steven Machek earned a PhD in Kinesiology, Exercise Nutrition, and Health Promotion from Baylor University in Waco, TX. His previous research has covered topics including performance supplementation, powerlifting, and intramuscular signaling/physiology. Ultimately, Dr. Machek seeks to continue investigating the isolated and intersectional aspects of sports nutrition and resistance training.

Thomas Cardaci, MS, PhD(c), CSCS*D

PhD candidate in Biomedical Sciences at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine

Mr. Thomas Cardaci earned a BS in Biology and Exercise Science (dual majors) from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ and an MS in Exercise Physiology from Baylor University in Waco, TX. He is currently a PhD candidate at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine in Columbia, SC in the Biomedical Sciences program with a focus on cellular and molecular biology. His research primarily focuses on skeletal muscle physiology and the influences of nutrition and exercise in optimizing health and function. His previous research has covered topics including sports nutrition and nutraceuticals, resistance exercise, and skeletal muscle biology. Ultimately, Mr. Cardaci seeks to continue investigating the utility of sports nutrition supplements and nutraceuticals in augmenting skeletal muscle adaptations in health and disease.


Drug Free Sport International (BOC AP# P8729) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of 1.25 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the session.